The Six Minute Double

The 7am launch today from Stephens County Park ramp yielded a double catch in the first six minutes. Since it had rained hard most of the night and early morning hours in Toccoa GA, I suspected that going north would be muddy and full of debris. So we headed south. Just after passing the old bridge we put out 4 Planer Boards two on each side then a couple of Flatlines all baited with Blueback Herring. Water temperature was 62.7.  In just a couple of minutes we had two hybrids in the boat.

We kept moving south staying in the channel and picked up our next hybrid on a Flatline.

We continued to catch one here one there.

We made it to the esses where we slayed these hybrids several years back. They were still there waiting for us.

Bill noticed that the inside port side Planer Board went under for a second but it seemed that there were no takers.. He decided to bring it in to check the condition of the bait. As it neared the boat another hybrid took the bait and it was Fish On. After boating that fish he tried to get the Planer Board back into the water 3 times having the hybrids take the bait before he could attach the Planer Board. All in all it was another great time with friends. We’ll probably talk about this trip and all the antics and jokes that went on between catches for years to come.

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